suppress surveys for cancelled tickets
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suppress surveys for cancelled tickets


Article ID: 40132


Updated On:


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Is there a way to suppress CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) surveys for tickets that were closed using the "Cancelled" status?


Release: 14.1 and higher
Component:  CA Service Desk Manager


This is working as expected. The current product design ties the statuses of Cancelled as Closed as the same when it comes to the Activity Notification setting for "Close" or code "CL" (Administration tab:  Notifications -> Activity Notifications) 

Closing or cancelling a given request/incident/problem is the same in the eyes of the above Activity Notification and will trigger the same notification and survey action


Currently, there is no way to modify CA SDM surveys being sent on closed "cancelled" status tickets.  We recommend submitting an idea in our Communities page for further consideration in a future release to divest the two statuses.