Looking for examples of using must_start_times and must_complete_times for jobs within a box.
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Looking for examples of using must_start_times and must_complete_times for jobs within a box.


Article ID: 40131


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


We are trying to set up some jobs so that we get notified if they are late to start or complete.

From looking at the documentation the settings must_start_times and must_complete_times could be used.

But when we attempt to use them we see errors like the following:


CAUAJM_I_50323 Inserting/Updating job: job123

CAUAJM_E_18940 JIL keywords must_start_times and/or must_complete_times requires JIL keyword start_times or start_mins

CAUAJM_E_10302 Database Change WAS NOT successful.



Workload Automation AE



The job the client was attempting to use the "must" setting for was in a boxjob.

While the box had date_conditions and start_times, the inner job did not.

The fields date_conditions and either start_times or start_mins are required in order to use the must_start_times and must_complete_times for a given job.


Valid usage:


insert_job: job1

job_type: b

date_conditions: 1

days_of_week: all

start_times: "09:00"


 insert_job: job2

 job_type: c

 command: /opt/some_transaction.sh

 machine: localhost

 box_name: job1

 date_conditions: 1

 days_of_week: all

 start_times: "09:03"

 must_start_times: "09:05"




Invalid usage:


insert_job: job1

job_type: b

date_conditions: 1

days_of_week: all

start_times: "09:00"


 insert_job: job2

 job_type: c

 command: /opt/some_transaction.sh

 machine: localhost

 box_name: job1

 must_start_times: "09:05"