CA Licensing - 2MWV Unicenter Output Management Web Viewer - License Failure.
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CA Licensing - 2MWV Unicenter Output Management Web Viewer - License Failure.


Article ID: 3999


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Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


The following message appears in the OMlog or Event Log: 
CA Licensing - 2MWV Unicenter Output Management Web Viewer - License Failure.


Release: OUTDVW05500-11.5-Output Management-Web Viewer
Component: DVWEB


CA Output Management Web Viewer requires a license key, called an ALPKEY, be installed


CA Output Management Web Viewer requires a license key, called an ALPKEY, be installed.  


You may install the license automatically or manually. If you want to install it manually and don't have the ALPKEY, you may request it from Customer Care (see below). The product code is 2MWV.

Obtaining the License

  1. If you do not have your ALPKEY, go to and Case management and open a case with the Global Customer Assistance to request it.
  2. They will email you your ALPKEY as a ca.olf file along with instructions on how to install it.

Installing the License Manually 

  1. Look for a ca.olf file in your ca_lic directory on the Web Viewer server. If one is already there, make a backup of it before editing it. Note: It is located in C:\Program Files\CA\Shared Components or it might be directly under C:\
  2. If there is no ca.olf file in CA_LIC, copy the entire file starting with ID... and paste it into an editor and save it as ca.olf    or
  3. If you have a existing CA.olf file, open it using a text editor of your choice and edit as follows: 

    1. Replace all lines beginning with "ID_" with the "ID_" lines indicated in the new ca.olf file.
    2. Go to the bottom of the existing file and, immediately following any existing "FEATURE" lines, add the "FEATURE" line(s) from the new CA.olf file. 

      Note: Do not remove any existing "FEATURE" lines. The "FEATURE" line may wrap to a second line on this certificate, but don't enter any carriage returns. Do not hide extensions on the file.

NOTE: The license must be installed on the server where Web Viewer is installed.