SYSVIEW may indicate in the following places that the JES macro library (SYS1.SHASMAC) that the SYSVIEW JES Configuration module was assembled with does not match the service level of the JES that is executing on the system:
The following text may appear on the SYSVIEW main menu:
JES configuration module service level mismatch found
Under "Software Versions" in the STATUS command:
JES2 1.11 (service level mismatch, expected 3 found 2)
The JES Configuration module must be assembled with the matching JES macro library in order for SYSVIEW to correctly traverse various JES control blocks.
Possibly application of maintenance to JES.
SYSVIEW may indicate in the following places that the JES macro library (SYS1.SHASMAC) that the SYSVIEW JES Configuration module was assembled with does not match the service level of the JES that is executing on the system:
The following text may appear on the SYSVIEW main menu:
JES configuration module service level mismatch found
Under "Software Versions" in the STATUS command:
JES2 1.11 (service level mismatch, expected 3 found 2)
The JES Configuration module must be assembled with the matching JES macro library in order for SYSVIEW to correctly traverse various JES control blocks.
Reassemble the JES Configuration module with the same JES macro library that the current JES is using. Recycle SYSVIEW and the mismatch should be corrected, but if it isn't then proceed...
Compare the $SLVL value from the assembly of the JES Configuration module against what is shown on the JPLEX display:
Issued the JPLEX command in SYSVIEW and find the SLvl column.
Member Num Status |Subsys Version PLvl SLvl
TEST 1 ACTIVE JES2 1.11 40 3
Note the Slvl value of 3, which matches the "expected" value shown on the STATUS display.
In the SYSVIEW.CNM4BSAM(JES2CFGT) source change parameter LIST=NO to LIST=YES and reassemble the JES Configuration module again. In the job output issue FIND $SLVL which should show a line similar to the following:
$SLVL DC AL1(2) (this is where the "found" value shown on STATUS comes from)
If this value does not match the SLvl value on the JPLEX display, then the wrong JES maclib is being pointed to in the SYSLIB DD of the assembly job. Locate the proper JES maclib and reassemble the module again.