Adding a Custom Logo to CABI JasperServer Reports
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Adding a Custom Logo to CABI JasperServer Reports


Article ID: 39840


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How to add your own custom logo to the canned CA Reports in JasperSoft


Component: SPCRPT


  1. Log into the Jasper Console as 'superuser'
  2. Click on View -> Repository
  3. On the left, navigate to ca -> Spectrum -> resources -> images 

 Right click "Images" -> Go to Export.  Export the file to a backup ZIP file.  This saves to your Downloads folder.

  1. Now on the right side, select the spectrum.JPG and click Edit:
  2. In the edit screen click on browse for "Path to File (required)"
  3. Select your custom photo

*Note: Please be sure the size is similar to the spectrum.JPG.  Too large and the reports will not look proper.*

  1. Click Submit.
  2. The reports will now have the custom logo that you chose.


Additional Information:

It is recommended that this folder structure is backed up as explained in step #3.

You can also go to the OneClick homepage -> Report Manager -> Jasper Integration

Click "Re-Deploy" button.


To import from backup:

  1. In Jasper Console click Manage -> Server Settings
  2. Click on "Import"
  3. Click "Browse" on Import data file
  4. Select your ZIP file from original step 3.
  5. Click "Import"
  6. Default Image is now restored.


Default image size is 177 x 31 pixels