Can a user sign in an element in a processor after the element is generated?
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Can a user sign in an element in a processor after the element is generated?


Article ID: 39836


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


 A user has just finished generating an element.  At this point they want to sign the element back in since the code is not moved further up the map route.  Without signing the element in the next user would be required to use the option 'override signout' to modify the code.

Can a user sign in an element in a processor after the element is generated?




there are two ways to accomplish the signin/signout:

*  use the override signout if the option is turned on in the systems definition and cannot be modified.

*  Change the system definition to turn the signin/signout off.  when changing the system definition
    it will effect all types that are defined for that system.