When running a report using Datacom/DB Reporting Facility (called Data Reporter here), the job fails with:
IEF450I jobname procstep stepname - ABEND=S000 U0070 REASON=00000000
And with this error message in the step output:
In Datacom/DB, a Return Code 37 generally refers to a bad address, and in the case of a Data Reporter program, the only internal return code that applies is 028. Here is the description of that internal code:
Explanation: The Element List address or work area address passed to Datacom/DB is invalid.
User Response: Correct the program and rerun.
This problem is most often caused by an error in defining the Datacom file to be processed by the Data Reporter program. Below is an example of steps to follow to resolve this error.
In this example, you can see that the length of the element is 154 bytes, and adding 300 bytes results in an expected length of 454. Since the program says RECORD=466, this is the cause of the error. In this case, simply changing the RECORD= value to 454 will correct the problem and let the program open the table without a problem.
For more information about the use of the FILE definition statement for Datacom/DB tables in the Data Reporter program, please refer to the following guide:
Datacom/DB Version 15.1 Reporting Facility User Guide, in the section Reporting Facility Commands › FILE Command › Datacom/DB Table Definition.