Error received:
DFHAC2002 TO USE THIS TRX xxxx YOU MUST SIGNON … for the CICS console.
Check the following:
1. The acid is not suspended.
Issue a TSS LIST(xxxx) and check the ATTRIBUTES for xSUSPEND
2. Make sure the acid is authorized to the CICS FACILITY.
Issue a TSS WHOAMI from CICS to determine the FACILITY. Issue a TSS ADD(xxxx) FAC(CICSPROD) to authorize the user to the FACILITY. Substitute 'CICSPROD' with your FACILITY name.
3. Make sure the acid is authorized for any transaction it needs to access.
Issue a TSS LIST(xxxx) DATA(ALL,PROFILE) to determine if the acid is authorized.
4. Make sure the acid doesnt have a password.
Issue a TSS REPLACE(xxx) PASSWORD(NOPW,,0) to remove the password from the acid.