XCOM for z/OS create history report for transmitted files
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XCOM for z/OS create history report for transmitted files


Article ID: 39731


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


There is a batch TYPE=HISTORY job that can be used to generate history reports with Easytrieve Report Generator. This feature has been enhanced in XCOM for z/OS 12.0.



XCOM Data Transport for z/OS 12.0


This sample JCL has a XCOMJOB TYPE=HISTORY call to get history information and save it to the HISTDD. The HISTDD is then passed to a sample Easytrieve report that generates a report similar to the XCOM ISPF operator display. 

In the CBXGJCL library there is a job called XCOMJOBH. That is a sample TYPE=HISTORY job. For a description of these parameters, see FILETYPE=HISTORY Parameters.  

Specify OTYPE=ALL or uncomment and select specific parameters. 



  1. Review the job and modify it according to the instructions in the comments.
  2. Use either the full release of Easytrieve or the Install Easytrieve Packaged with Common Components and Services. Ensure it is on latest maintenance.
  3. Run the job and check the output received.