If the ASM2 IXR subsystem should hang during any reload requests, what is the best procedure to follow to gather the appropriate diagnostics to assist Technical Support in resolving the issue?
Release: ASM2-Backup and Restore 4.2
If IXR is in a WAIT/HANG state, be sure to cancel IXR with a DUMP parameter to acquire the storage from that point in time. Just cancelling the task will not be sufficient. You must add the DUMP parameter.
The SDATA for the dump default in the system should be:
Console Command
If the above command does not function use the MVS command:
If the following message is produced:
IXR0706A Specify IXR subsystem outage type (short, long, or perm)
Proper replay would be:
You should also provide Technical Support with your IXR started task log for this event.