OPS5002I, OPS0301S CAIENF error : initialize failed - ENF may be inactive - RC X'04'; RSC N/A
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OPS5002I, OPS0301S CAIENF error : initialize failed - ENF may be inactive - RC X'04'; RSC N/A


Article ID: 39713


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS Common Services


During an IPL the following messages were received at ENF startup:  

OPS5002I MRSV subtask is active

*OPS0301S CAIENF error : initialize failed - ENF may be inactive - RC X'04'; RSC N/A  

IEF196I OPS0301S CAIENF error :initialize failed - ENF may be inactive - RC X'04'; RSC N/A  


The OPS5002I message means that a subtask in OPS is active, however, there is no confirmation that ENF is active. OPS starts numerous subtasks during initialization based upon a related ENF parameter is set to "YES".  Multiple messages like this may be issued.   

The OPS0301S really means the interface to ENF is not currently active. 

To eliminate the OPS0301S, the related ENF parm in OPS (maybe INITCA7) should not be set to YES until ENF is up OR when they get OPS0301S, then issue ‘F OPSS,RESTART(ENF)’ 

/F opssubname,RESTART(ENF) where opssubname is your OPS subsystem name.