After upgrading to a new release of CA TPX, users are assigned the default profile rather than the profile that should be assigned via the security interface.
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After upgrading to a new release of CA TPX, users are assigned the default profile rather than the profile that should be assigned via the security interface.


Article ID: 3964


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Upon migration to the latest TPX release, users without a VSAM record whose profile is assigned by external security (ACF2, Top Secret or RACF) revert to the default user profile coded in the SMRT.


CA TPX for z/OS


Most often the cause of this behavior is that the TPX exits that you are using have not having been reassembled with the libraries from the new release of CA TPX.


  1. Reassemble your custom exit source code with current release macros
  2. Cycle TPX or TPXOPER RELOAD EXIT=exitname