"XCOMU0523E CA LICENSE CHECK FAILED: Could not load CA Licensing Shared Library" starting XCOM
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"XCOMU0523E CA LICENSE CHECK FAILED: Could not load CA Licensing Shared Library" starting XCOM


Article ID: 39470


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


After installing the latest release of XCOM on our Linux/Unix and message "XCOMU0523E CA LICENSE CHECK FAILED: Could not load CA Licensing Shared Library" when they start the XCOM(xcomd) deamon.



XCOM™ Data Transport® for UNIX/Linux PC


See possible causes in the online documentation for XCOMU0523E.


Upgrade to r116 SP01 - where this has been done: LICENSE - SUPPRESS CA LICENSE MESSAGES. Broadcom will no longer check these licenses.

Or to further troubleshoot:

1. Make sure that variables XCOM_HOME and CALIB have the correct path by issuing command:

       echo $XCOM_HOME

       echo $CALIB

     If the variables don't have the correct path you can issue the necessary commands to correct it and then start xcomd.

 2. If you continue to receive the same message, please do the following:

         a) stop xcomd: xcomd -s                                              
        b) start xcomd with trace option: xcomd -d10 >> /tmp/trace.TRA 2>&1 &

        c) stop xcomd: xcomd -s

  When you start xcomd it will produce a trace in the /tmp directory. Please save the trace, open a case via Broadcom Support, and upload the trace.