CA WA AE (AutoSys) PeopleSoft Adapter v2.1.0 job fails with Exit Code 233. The Adapter debug log shows: ERROR: MSG = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
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CA WA AE (AutoSys) PeopleSoft Adapter v2.1.0 job fails with Exit Code 233. The Adapter debug log shows: ERROR: MSG = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application


Article ID: 39439


Updated On:


CA Unicenter NSM



CA WA AE (AutoSys) PeopleSoft Adapter v2.1.0 job fails with exit code 233.
The PS Adapter debug job log shows:

PeopleSoft(30)->ODBC_err: ERROR: SQLSTATE = IM014
PeopleSoft(31)->ODBC_err: ERROR: NATIVE ERROR = 0
PeopleSoft(32)->ODBC_err: ERROR: MSG = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application

PeopleSoft(33)->psoft_exit: debug: psoft_exit
    A database error has occurred.


CA WA AE (AutoSys) PeopleSoft Adapter v2.1.0 on Windows OS x64 bit


  1. The aforementioned ODBC error manifests when a 32bit application attempts to connect to the intended database (MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase) using a 64-bit ODBC System DSN.
  2. On 64bit Windows OS, the default Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator [Start-> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)] creates a 64 bit data source.
  3. The WA AE (AutoSys) PeopleSoft Adapter v2.1.0 is a 32bit application and hence, on a 64-bit Windows OS, the ODBC System DSN datasource must be created using the Windows 32-bit ODBC Administrator tool: %SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe


  1. Delete the ODBC System DSN data source using the 64bit ODBC Data Source Administrator (Start-> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC))
  2. Create the ODBC System DSN using 32bit Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator tool:



The Data Source Name will be entered in a PS Adapter configuration file (.cfg) under %AUTOUSER% as the value for PSOFT_ODBC parameter. If an incorrect Data Source name is specified against PSOFT_ODBC, the following error manifests:

PeopleSoft(30)->ODBC_err: ERROR: SQLSTATE = IM002
PeopleSoft(31)->ODBC_err: ERROR: NATIVE ERROR = 0
PeopleSoft(32)->ODBC_err: ERROR: MSG = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

PeopleSoft(33)->psoft_exit: debug: psoft_exit
A database error has occurred.

Additional Information:

To run an application as a 32-bit application on a 64-bit operating system, you must create the ODBC data source with the ODBC Administrator in %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

A 64-bit Windows operating system has two odbcad32.exe files:

  • %SystemRoot%\system32\odbcad32.exe is used to create and maintain data source names for 64-bit applications.
  • %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe is used to create and maintain data source names for 32-bit applications, including 32-bit applications that run on 64-bit operating systems.


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