How to set heap size for the CA WA Agent.
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How to set heap size for the CA WA Agent.


Article ID: 39434


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Workload Automation Agent CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries) CA Workload Automation AE - System Agent (AutoSys)


Adjust heap size for System Agent


Release: All Supported Versions
Component: Workload Automation Agent


By default the JVM will try to allocate memory based on Java default settings, which can 1 GB to 2 GB.
Very low or high memory allocation can have adverse affects.  Either can result in Out of Memory allocation error.


Specify the following parameters in the agentparm.txt to allocate the memory.
oscomponent.jvm.x.options=-Xms<initial heap size>;-Xmx<maximum heap size>


After adding the parameter, restart the agent for the change to take effect.

The above example will allow agent to have a maximum heap of 512 MB (recommended).  

Additional Information

The memory usage is shown in simple_monitor_health.log.  It will provide information on how much memory the agent needs and allocates.  This information can very between each instance of agent.

From simple_health_monitor.log

01/01/XXXX 00:00:12.345[:295] - Agent health information
                                                                                Maximum allocateable: 2048 MB    0 KB    0 B
                                                                                Total allocated heap:  256 MB  256 KB    0 B
                                                                                Currently free heap:   250 MB  250 KB  896 B