An attempt to compile a map in batch with RHDCMPUT fails with:
379076 E MAP map-name IS IN ERROR
Release: All supported releases.
The map has been marked as being IN ERROR due to a critical change to an included record, and neither RHDCMAP1 nor RHDCMPUT can fix it.
It is possible that a map can get into a condition where it is marked IN ERROR and cannot be fixed by either of the batch mapping utilities. An online compile with MAPC will fix it but in a migration situation it may be desirable to fix the problem in batch.
One scenario where this can happen is if one of the map-records attached to the map doesn’t actually have any fields on the map. If that record is modified, the map will be marked IN ERROR and requiring re-compilation.
A normal execution of RHDCMAP1 cannot fix this because the source of the map does not actually change (because none of the fields on the changing map-record are on the map). RHDCMPUT cannot fix it because it gets the original 379076 error.
If the problem must be resolved in batch, run RHDCMAP1 with the following input only:-MODIFY MAP map-name VERSION version-number.
This will do what is called a “FINISH” on the map and allow RHDCMPUT to compile it.