Can the Sysview for Db2 Data Collector STC be defined to Top Secret as a MULTIUSER address space instead of the prescribed (SUAS) Single User Address Space
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Can the Sysview for Db2 Data Collector STC be defined to Top Secret as a MULTIUSER address space instead of the prescribed (SUAS) Single User Address Space


Article ID: 39424


Updated On: 07-11-2023


SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


If the Sysview for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) VTAM UI started task meets the criteria (as defined in the IDB2 System Reference Guide) to run
as a MULTIUSER address space, and it shares the same FAC ID as the Sysview for DB2 for z/OS (IDB2) Data Collector started task
Will this Top Secret MULTIUSER definition have impact on the IDB2 Data Collector which should be run as a Single User Address Space (SUAS)?



The IDB2 Data Collector by design should run as a SUAS (Single User Address Space) for users never sign on to it, but instead,
connect to the User Interface (UI) via TSO or VTAM.  If the VTAM UI started task meets the criteria to run as a MULTIUSER
address space you will need to create a unique FAC ID for the VTAM UI started task to differentiate it from the IDB2 Data Collector ID. 
The impact of running the IDB2 Data Collector started task as a MULTIUSER address space instead
of as a Single User Address Space (SUAS) will be in Top Secret's unnecessary processing and overhead.