Add users to wildfly management console to configure datasources/drivers for IDM
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Add users to wildfly management console to configure datasources/drivers for IDM


Article ID: 39417


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Cannot access Wildfly Management Console (http://localhost:9990/console) as no user have been added to the system.  A message displays:

"You have not yet added any users to be able to access the admin console. You can add a new user by executing the add-user.bat script within the bin folder of your EAP 6 installation."


  • OS - Windows
  • Wildfly/Jboss


This issue occurs if no users have been added to the Wildfly Management Console.


  1. Check if you have JBOSS_HOME and JAVA_HOME as Environment variables. If not:
    1. Open "Advanced system settings" on windows.
    2. Click on the advanced tab.
    3. On the bottom click "Environment Variables"
    4. A new window will open. Under System Variables click "New".
    5. A window will open. Enter "JAVA_HOME" and the location of the jdk.
    6. Repeat the above steps for JBOSS_HOME variable, this time choosing the variable value for the location of jboss/wildfly.
  2. Now you can run the add-user.bat file from inside the wildfly\bin folder.
    1. Open cmd and cd to the wildfly\bin.
    2. Execute the add-user.bat command.
    3. Select a) Management User
    4. Enter the details that are requested.
    5. On the last question "About to add user 'Temp' for realm 'ManagementRealm' Is this correct yes/no? Choose yes and this user will be successfully created.
  3. You can now access http://localhost-9990/console with the username created and you can now deploy/configure datasources & drivers through a UI for IDM.