How to run SQL queries on the Derby Database for WCC
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How to run SQL queries on the Derby Database for WCC


Article ID: 39384


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


These are steps on how to connect to the Derby DB and run SQL queries from the command prompt.


Release: ATSYHA99000-11.3.6-Workload Automation AE-High Availability Option



For Linux



2) ./ -u ejmcommander -p ejmcommander --displaydb

Logging in as ‘ejmcommander’ – SUCCESS


Database server connection

Host Name: localhost

Port: 1527

Database instance name: WCC_MAIN

Platform: derby

User: wcc

Password: *****


3) cd ../derby/lib

4) java -jar derbyrun.jar ij

5) Connect ‘jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/WCC_MAIN’ user ‘wcc’ password ‘*****’;

(Password will be what you chose during install)


After you have connected to the database, you will see the ij prompt and be able to use SQL queries.

For example:

ij> show tables;

ij> describe MON_JOB;

ij> select * from MON_JOB;


For Windows



2) wcc_config.bat -u ejmcommander -p ejmcommander --displaydb

Logging in as ‘ejmcommander’ – SUCCESS


Database server connection

Host Name: localhost

Port: 1527

Database instance name: WCC_MAIN

Platform: derby

User: wcc

Password: *****


3) cd ..\derby\lib

4) java -jar derbyrun.jar ij

5) Connect ‘jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/WCC_MAIN’ user ‘wcc’ password ‘*****’;

(Password will be what you chose during install)


After you have connected to the database, you will see the ij prompt and be able to use SQL queries.

For example:

ij> show tables;

ij> describe MON_JOB;

ij> select * from MON_JOB;