I saw in my scheduler log the message: Lost Control What does this mean?
Have couple file watcher jobs failed with lost control. What would that mean?
Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run/Ntry Pri/Xit
________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ________ _______
MYJOB 03/05/2016 04:31:06 03/06/2016 04:50:32 FA 18668270/1 1
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- --------------------- -- -- --------------------- ----------------------------------------
FAILURE 03/06/2016 04:50:32 1 PD 03/06/2016 04:50:33
<Lost control>
[*** ALARM ***]
JOBFAILURE 03/06/2016 04:50:33 1 PD 03/06/2016 04:50:33
System Agent 11.3.x
Opsys: ALL
"Lost control" status normally occur when agent was stopped while job runs. You could prevent this status to occur by adding the following parameter in agentparm.txt: oscomponent.noguardianprocess=false