How do I initialize the Spectrum DDM database to start from scratch?
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How do I initialize the Spectrum DDM database to start from scratch?


Article ID: 39317


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How do I initialize the Spectrum DDM database to start from scratch?


Release: Any
Component: Spectrum Archive Manager/DDM


NOTE:  In the following MySql commands, replace <PASSWD> with the root password for your DX NetOps Spectrum version.

Use the following steps to initialize the Spectrum DDM database to start from scratch

1. Log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum install.

2. On Windows, start a bash shell by running “bash –login”

3 cd to the $SPECROOT/SS directory

4. Enter the following command and note the landscape handle


5. cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory

6. Enter the following command to shut down the Archive Manager where <HOST> is the hostname of the SpectroSERVER system:

./cmdC localhost 2 ARCHMGR

7. cd to the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin directory and enter the following command to log into mysql:

mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<PASSWD>

8. At the mysql prompt, run commands to DROP and CREATE the ddmdb database:

drop database ddmdb;

create database ddmdb;


9. cd to the $SPECROOT/SS/DDM directory and enter the following command to re-initialize the DDM database where <LH> is the landscape handle noted in step 4 above:

./ -il <LH>

8. Enter “y” when prompted.

9. cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory and enter the following command to start the Archive Manager:


NOTE: The above “” command will start both the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager. The script checks to see if either is running. If already running, it will not start another.

Additional Information

Please reference the "Database Management" section of the documentation for more information.