We are trying to integrate Spectrum with IBM Tivoli SD.
IBM team is using their Netcool Probe to integrate with our Spectrum.We have created a user for tivoli integration in CA spectrum and have given them our server details.But still IBM team is not able to connect with Spectrum.
Are there any other configurations that need to be done from Spectrum side for this integration?
This is the snip from the IBM reference guide: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/SSSHTQ/caspec-pdf.pdf
The host configuration file ca_spectrum_corba_host.xml is an XML file that contains the details of each SpectroSERVER host that you want the probe to monitor.
You must configure the SpectroSERVERs that you are using to enable them to accept CORBA connections from the probe.
Configuring a SpectroSERVER to accept connections from the probe involves the following tasks:
1. Using the Spectrum Control Panel (SCP) or OneClick add the details of the probe host system to the SpectroSERVER's server list.
Note: If you add a plus sign (+) to the sever list, all hosts will be able to connect to the SpectroSERVER.
2. Create a Spectrum User Model for the user ID that runs the probe.
3. Add the user ID to the associated UserList.
The probe requires access to a number of Java utilities that are supplied with your CA Spectrum installation.
Copy the following files from $SPECROOT/lib to $OMNIHOME/probes/java/nco_p_ca_spectrum_corba:
Where $SPECROOT is the directory where CA Spectrum is installed and 9x is the version of CA Spectrum that you are running.
Note: You will have to create the nco_p_ca_spectrum_corba folder manually.
For probe installations on Linux operating systems, you must also copy the following files to $OMNIHOME/probes/java/nco_p_ca_spectrum_corba:
Older Versions:
The Probe for CA Spectrum (CORBA) can receive events from CA Spectrum version 9.4 onwards. It is only supported on Netcool/OMNIbus V8.1 and above. If you want to receive events from CA Spectrum versions 9.0 to 9.3, you must use the Probe for CA Spectrum V9 (CORBA).
Connecting to a DX NetOps Spectrum server using secure CORBA TLS connections: