Gen TE aefuf connection initially refused to aefad at start up
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Gen TE aefuf connection initially refused to aefad at start up


Article ID: 3928


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Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


After starting the Gen Transaction Enabler (TE) aefad and aefuf using a script which starts aefad first, the aefuf log shows:

connection to dev01(2022) failed. connection refused

"dev01" is the name of the Unix server and 2022 is the aefad port.

Connecting to the aefad via aefc is successful and all environment variables appear to be set correctly.

The aefuf log later shows the connection to the aefad is successful 30 seconds later.


Gen Transaction Enabler


If the aefuf tries to connect to the aefad before the aefad has fully started, the reported message will occur and the aefuf will then wait 30 seconds before trying again (that wait time is not configurable).

If using a script to start the TE first start the aefad, then add a "sleep 5" to wait 5 seconds before starting the aefuf.
If using a manual TE start simply wait a few seconds after starting the aefad before starting the aefuf.

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