OPSMVS - OPSLOGSV connect error msgs ICH420I & BPXP014I
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OPSMVS - OPSLOGSV connect error msgs ICH420I & BPXP014I


Article ID: 3927


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


CA OPS/MVS Event Management and Automation - Receiving OPSLOG Server(OPSLOGSV) connect error messages ICH420I & BPXP014I

ICH420I messages from the program OPSLOGSV, in the library OPS.USSLOAD, caused the server environment to become uncontrolled.


z/OSBPX.SERVER processingSystem Authorization Facility


The BPXP014I environment must be controlled for server (BPX.SERVER) processing.


The OPSLOG WebView server retrieves a security environment from the System Authorization Facility (such as RACF or eTrust CA-Top Secret) for each client. The security environment controls, for each user, whether the user can perform certain actions, such as issuing host commands. To obtain the security profile for clients, the server must have UPDATE access to the BPX.SERVER, or else it must run with UID=0.

In addition, check if your Web Server (HTTPD or WebSphere) is secured with the program controlled attribute of your security package. If so, then the OPSLOGV program, which resides in OPS.USSLOAD, and the OPMFSB program, which resides in OPS.LOAD, will need to be program-controlled. See the documentation for your security package for information on setting this attribute.

Additional Information

Install and configure OPSLOG WebView

Review the OPSLOG WebView Security Information