How to use the REST api to reset a privileged account password from the command line or a script?
The most cross platform way of doing this is to use curl. Note that for windows you will have to find and download a version of curl. Curl is free/opensource so there are several ways of getting curl installed. The user will need to determine which is the best way of doing this.
curl -u <username>:<password> -H "Content-type: application/xml" -X PUT -d "<Account><Password auto='true'/></Account>" http://<server>:<port>/iam/api/1.0/restapi/environments/ac/endpoints/<endpoint name>/accounts/<account name>
You need to replace:
<username>:<password> with a user with the authority to log in to use REST and reset the endpoint password, and their password.
<server> = the ENTM server hostname or FQDN
<port> = the ENTM port
<endpoint name> = the name of the endpoint the account resides on
<account name> = the name of the account whose password you are resetting.