CA Workload Automation Agent will not start due to error: specified module could not be found.
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CA Workload Automation Agent will not start due to error: specified module could not be found.


Article ID: 39069


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Workload Automation Agent


When trying to start the CA Workload Automation Agent, an error is received and the agent fails. The error received is error: specified module could not be found.

The runner_os_component.log file shows more information on where the error is being generated. The error message in this log file is "Unable to load java.dll: 126 - The specified module could not be found." This is indicative of a problem with the Java path in the agentparm.txt file



Release: WKLASE99000-11.3-Workload Automation-Agent SE

This is applicable to both Windows and UNIX/Linux.


Java path is incorrectly defined in the agentparm.txt file



  1. Locate and open/edit the agentparm.txt file
  2. Make sure that the oscomponent.javapath is pointing to the correct path where the bundled agent jre files exist. Unless you chose to install the agent in a location other than the default location, this will typically be something like C:\Program Files\CA\WA Agent R11.3.4 on Windows or /opt/WA_Agent_R11_3 ON UNIX/Linux systems.
  3. Start the agent either through Services on Windows or via the command line "cybAgent -a" on UNIX/Linux systems

Additional Information

If the agent still will not start, proceed to open a support case with Support and an Engineer will assist.