Create a PRSET dataset and display PRSET members that are stored in the database
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Create a PRSET dataset and display PRSET members that are stored in the database


Article ID: 39059


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How to create the PRSET dataset and display PRSET members that are stored in the database?


  • Output Management Deliverâ„¢ for z/OS
  • Deliverâ„¢
  • OM Deliver for z


PRSET members contain printer setups, commands, print attributes, etc. The information is placed after the report banner and before the first line of the report.

Each PRSET member can contain up to 50 records. PRSET member names are referenced on the Deliver Report Definition panel. If you do not specify the name of a PRSET on the Report Definition panel, no PRSET member is used by default.

View does not include an example of a PRSET dataset.

Define the PRSET library as a partitioned data set (PDS) with:


The format of the PRSET records is as follows:

The first position in each record in a printer setup member contains a valid ASA carriage control character. The format of the records in a printer setup member depends on the requirements of your printer.

For instance, PRSET records setting print attributes for printing on a Xerox 9700 (or compatible) printer can be DJDE statements.

PRSET records defining attributes for printing on an IBM 3800 (or compatible) printer using PSF can be records beginning with X'5A' control records.

After creating the PRSET members, you need to run an RMODBASE PLOAD to load the members into the database before they can be used.

The printer setup library is defined with the DD statement RMOPLIB. The high-level name of the database must have been defined previously with the NAME control statement (or the PARM parameter of the EXEC JCL statement).

//STEP1     EXEC PGM=RMODBASE                                   
//STEPLIB   DD DSN=................................CAILIB,DISP=SHR               
//RMOPLIB   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=.............................PRSETLIB              
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                      
//SYSIN     DD *                                             
NAME ..hlq..of..database

Displaying the PRSET members:

On the Primary Selection List panel, type DI on the command line and press Enter.

A panel will come up displaying a list of options which contains an entry for the PRSET members.

 CA Deliver - Primary Selection for hlq.DLVR.R122 ---------------------------
 Command ===> DI                                                              
   A   Active Display    - Display selection list of active reports or bundles.  
   B   Bundle Data       - Display bundle data.                                  
   D   Distribution Data - Display distribution data.                            
   J   Job Data          - Display job data.                                     
   R   Report Data       - Display report data.                                  
     Operands for A:                                                           
       B    - Display selection list of active bundles.                        
       R    - Display selection list of active reports (default).              
       X    - Limit selection list to exceptions.                              
       PREV - Display selection list for previous cycle.                       
     Operand for B,D,J,R:                                                      
       Omit operand for complete selection list.                               
       Specify identifier to display data.                                     
       Specify generic identifier for limited selection list.                  
       L    - For D only, display list of distribution lists.                  
   Enter END command to terminate this CA Deliver session.                 
 When you hit enter, the following screen is displayed. Type P on the command line and hit enter.

 CA Deliver ---------------- Display Selection Panel ---------------------------
 Command ===> P                                                              
   B - Display selection list of banner pages.                                 
   P - Display selection list of printer setup members.                        
   O - Display selection list of online panels.                                
   Operand for B,P,O:                                                          
      Omit operand for complete selection list.                                
      Specify identifier or generic identifier for limited selection list.     
   Enter END command to exit   

If there are no PRSETs stored in the database, the "No prsets/Not auth" message is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Here is an example of the error message issued when there are no PRSET members loaded in the database:

CA Deliver ---------------- Display Selection Panel -------- No prsets/Not auth
 Command ===>                                                                 
   B - Display selection list of banner pages.                                 
   P - Display selection list of printer setup members.                        
   O - Display selection list of online panels.                                
   Operand for B,P,O:                                                          
      Omit operand for complete selection list.                                
      Specify identifier or generic identifier for limited selection list.     
   Enter END command to exit                 

If there are PRSETs loaded into the database, the following screen is displayed.

CA Deliver ------------- Printer Setup Selection List ------ Row 00001 of 00001
Command ===>                                                                     Scroll ===>PAGE
Sel  Name     ------------- Last Modified --------------             

       DETAIL   12/02/2013  13:08:09  RMOPLOAD   

       DJDE       12/02/2013  13:08:09  RMOPLOAD   
       STK1S     06/26/2014  13:37:52  ########                                     
******************************* Bottom of Data **********************

Selecting member STK1S will cause the contents of that PRSET to be displayed.        

CA Deliver Browse - Printer Setup STK1S --------------- Line 000000 Col 001 080
Command ===>                                                       Scroll ===>PAGE
********************************* Top of Data **********************
 %%JDE=132SLY,END;                                                                     00010000
******************************** Bottom of Data ********************