The attribute eTCreateDate and eTCreateTime contain odd numerical values.
Using manual means to “decrypt” the values can be cumbersome
Release: CAIDMB99000-12.6.7-Identity Manager-B to B
Use an editor (notepad or your preferred editor) and create the file “get_eT_date_time.ps1”
Copy in the following to the file:
# 20160106 v1
# returns Human readable time date of eTCreateTime and eTCreateDate
# eks: .\get_eT_date_time.ps1 -eTCreateTime 0004107500 -eTCreateDate 0000110013
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)][string] $eTCreateTime,
[Parameter(mandatory=$true)][string] $eTCreateDate
$ts = [timespan]::fromseconds($seconds)
$tod="{0:hh:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]$ts.Ticks)
write-host ([datetime]"01/01/$($year)").AddDays($day-1).ToShortDateString() " $tod"
To run it, use for example
powershell -file get_eT_date_time.ps1 -eTCreateTime 0004107500 -eTCreateDate 0000110013