Update JDK being used in Process Automation
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Update JDK being used in Process Automation


Article ID: 39011


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CA Process Automation Base Process Automation Manager


Need to verify the release of JDK or JRE that is being used in PAM, and potentially update the Java JDK or JRE that Process Automation is using.


IT Process Automation 4.3.05 and 4.4


The PAM functionality retains its JDK/JRE configuration in file c2osvcw.conf in Windows and c2osvrd.sh in *unix systems.  A default PAM install will have this config file located under C:\Program Files\CA\PAM\server\c2o\bin\

The following two lines from c2osvcw.conf (c2osvrd.sh on *unix systems) show entries that indicate that the Orchestrator is starting using the 1.8.0 81 Java JDK/JRE version.

wrapper.java.command=c:/program files/java/jdk1.8.0_81/bin/java
wrapper.java.classpath.2=c:/program files/java/jdk1.8.0_81/lib/tools.jar


To change the Java version being used by the Orchestrator:

1.  Stop CA Process Automation Orchestrator

2.  Install JDK acquired from Java.com 

3.  Update the CA\PAM\server\c2o\bin\c2osvcw.conf (c2osvrd.sh on *unix systems) file to point at the newly installed JDK, commenting out the existing lines to use as a reference:

#wrapper.java.command=C:/program files/java/jdk1.8.0_81/bin/java
wrapper.java.command=C:/program files/java/jdk1.8.0_192/bin/java

#wrapper.java.classpath.2=C:/program files/java/jdk1.8.0_81/lib/tools.jar
wrapper.java.classpath.2=C:/program files/java/jdk1.8.0_192/lib/tools.jar

4.  Start CA Process Automation Orchestrator.
Once Process Automation is verified as working using the new Java the commented lines can be removed without the need to restart the Orchestrator.


Alternatively, the latest release of Process Automation, 4.3 sp5, and 4.4, supports AdoptOpenJDK an open source Java release:
JDK Prerequisites (PAM 4.3.5)

JDK Prerequisites (PAM 4.4)

The JDK lines in the c2osvc would look similar to:

wrapper.java.command=c:/program files/adoptopenjdk/jdk-
wrapper.java.classpath.2=c:/program files/adoptopenjdk/jdk-

Please note, there are different versions of the AdoptOpenJDK so your AdoptOpenJDK jdbc lines may vary slightly.

Additionally, update the PasswordEncryption.bat and SignC2OJars.bat to reflect the change in JDK. These files are located in the PAM install, under server\c2o directory.

These two batch files have a line that reads:

set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_201"

The above line should be updated to reflect the updated JDK.

Additional Information

ORACLE JDK v1.8.0_xxx:
Due to changes Oracle made to the security within the Java starting with JDK 1.8.0_202 IT Process Automation v4.3.05 GA release and with the earlier CP patches has issues when attempting to run using any JDK newer than the 1.8.0_192 JDK.  Issues include installation failures, multiple startup issues, agent connectivity problems, and other issues of varying levels of severity.   Applying later CP patches for ITPAM resolves this problem.

Starting with 4.3 Sp5 we have introduced support for AdoptOpenJDK: JDK Prerequisites Documentation

For 4.3 Sp5 we have confirmed up to AdoptOpenJDK version 1.8.0_265 allows the software to function without issue. 

Uninstalling the original Java is recommended best practice, but if the Java major version number is changing - for instance from 1.7 to 1.8 - you must uninstall the older version.

Note: Be sure the contents of your JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables are correct.