How often and how many times does Service Desk Manager retry to connect a database server after it detects disconnection?
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How often and how many times does Service Desk Manager retry to connect a database server after it detects disconnection?


Article ID: 39007


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


How often does Service Desk Manager try to reconnect to a database server? How many times does Service Desk Manager retry to establish the connection?


Service Desk Manager 14.x and 17.x

All Supported SQL databases


When Service Desk fails to connect to a database server, it retries to connect to the database server 5 times every 5 seconds by default. In order to change the values, please add the following variables to NX.env and NX.env_nt.tpl by running pdm_options_mgr command.

Maximum number of retries:

NX_SQL_CONNECTION_RETRY= (desired value)

e.g. Change the maximum number of retry to 10 times

pdm_options_mgr -c -s SQL_CONNECTION_RETRY -v 10 -a pdm_option.inst

How many seconds to wait for retry:

NX_SQL_CONNECTION_WAIT= (desired value)

e.g. Change the frequency to retry to 10 seconds

pdm_options_mgr -c -s SQL_CONNECTION_WAIT -v 10 -a pdm_option.inst -t

Additional Information

After running pdm_options_mgr command to add a variable to NX.env or NX.env_tpl files, an existing last line of those files is replaced with a new variable added by the command.

Using the 'pdm_options_mgr' command to change content within the CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) NX.ENV file