Scheduling and Exporting Reports
Article ID: 38972
Updated On:
CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager
CA Client Automation
How to Schedule, Publish and or Export a Report in DSM Reporter?
Client Automation - All versions
Once you have created a report in CA Client Automation Reporter you do one of the 4 following things with them:
- View in Reporter
- Schedule a Report to run on a certain schedule
- Publish the Report, so it creates a Database Table (ca_itrm.<report_name>
- Export the Report in different formats(CSV, html, XML, or ODBC Database Table)
Scheduling Tab:
- Create a Report
- Right-Click on Report and select Schedule Report......
- From the Properties Screen Select the Scheduling Tab
- Click on Set Scheduling... Button
- From the Scheduling properties menu Select How often you want the Report to be run
- Select the Conditions Tab
- This lets you select the :
- Time Range
- Days
- Frequency
Exporting/Publishing Tab:
- Click On Publishing Tab
- Click on Set Publishing.... Button
- On the Publishing properties Screen you will see 3 Tabs:
General Tab
- Here you can set the number of Exported results to save
- You can also be emailed each time a Report is exported. (you must setup the email server setting in the config policy
Save Tab (This is for Published Reports)
Here is where you select what you are going to call the Report
There are a 3 options:
- Use same name and overwrite each time you export
- Add time stamp to the Report Name
- Add Auto generated Number
Export Tab (This is for Exported reports)
- Select the format you want you Reported Exported To:
- Select How you want the Exported Report named (same options as with Published Reports)
- Click on the Properties Button
- This open the Export as Screen.
This is where you select where you want to the reports exported to.
You can also Other Properties based on the Format you are Exporting.
Engine Tab
Select which Engine will handle the Scheduling or Publishing of the Reports.
(If you have a large number of Reports and/or Dynamic Groups, you might want to create a Report and/or Groups Engine)
Additional Information
It is possible to export the file in a network share directory :
As Engines are executed under Local System Account we should allow access to share by Local System Account.
On machine which share (COMP1 in above example), open "Local Security Policy" and go under "Local Policies/Security Options"
In Parameter "Network access: Shares that can be accessed anonymously" add the name of share in the list :