For customers converting their session manager from Teleview™ to TPX™ Session Management for z/OS (TPX™), a migration document has been created, along with sample JCL jobs, to help effectively succeed with this transition.
The detailed information for this effort can be found in the document titled: Migrating Teleview to TPX.
Teleview 4.4
TPX 5.4
TPX™ Session Management for z/OS 5.4 product software must be installed on your system into a SMP/E CSI environment, before TPX APAR TR86118 is applied.
TPX APAR TR86118 provides the utilities to assist with migrating Teleview to TPX.
Please refer to the TPX documentation in the link below for complete details on the process.
Contact Broadcom Support for questions and access to TPX APAR TR86118.