Accessing a certain Endevor panel is not possible because of an ISPV006 error message referring to a profile variable. The issue is encountered by a single user, while all other users can access Endevor normally.
Examples: ‘Data for CHAR format variable "VNBDDXX" was too long’ ; ‘Profile variable 'VNAME' not saved’
Other single user panel abnormalities like a wrongly placed command line or an empty display screen.
Release: All supported Releases
The variable mentioned in the error message has a format that is not accepted by Endevor. To resolve the problem:
This is a workaround that will clean up Endevor variables and will cause the previous user defaults (CCID, comments, jobcard, etc.) to be discarded.
The CTLIPROF contains all Endevor variables, driven by vputs and vgets. There is also the option of replacing the faulty CTLIPROF of the user with the one of another user which has similar Endevor defaults.