How to import Web Viewer 11.5 xml files created by the CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1 Database Migration Tool?
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How to import Web Viewer 11.5 xml files created by the CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1 Database Migration Tool?


Article ID: 38944


Updated On:


Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer



How to import files created by the CA Output Management Web Viewer 11.5 Database Export Tool into CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.x.


Make sure that copies of the XML files that you exported from Web Viewer 11.x are available to your Web Viewer 12.1 server.  Ftp them to the server if needed.

From the administration tab in Web Viewer 12.1,

1) Select the Repository Tab

2) Select Import

3) This brings up an Admin Object Import Panel

4) Select

– Repository

– Role

– User

Ignore the other choices.

5) Browse to and select the corresponding XML file that you exported from Web Viewer 11.x for each choice.

6) If applicable, select a value for the Override parameter to specify how any duplicates should be handled.

7) Select the Import Button

8) When done, click close. 


Release: OUTWBV01300-12.1-Output Management-Web Viewer for AIX