APM Calculators - what is the difference between Interval Counter and Counter metric types ?
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APM Calculators - what is the difference between Interval Counter and Counter metric types ?


Article ID: 38706


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CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE


Counter and Interval Counter are standard Introscope metrics for calculators.  This article will describe the difference between the two.

What is the difference between "Interval Counter" and "Counter" metrics, with regard to calculators ?


APM 10.x


- Counter : a value that is usually incremented/decremented by tracers, and retains its value across interval boundaries, e.g.- A database connection count.

- Interval counter : a value that starts from 0 each interval, and is only incremented, e.g.- responses per interval

Additional Information

For a calculator, since the value is recalculated for each interval, the type of the metric makes no difference.