How do I append a LDS?
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How do I append a LDS?


Article ID: 38691


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Dispatch Output Mgmt


How do I add/append a LDS?


Release: 11.7, CA Dispatch, append, lds,


SATURATION has reached the defined threshold values and no more report data is coming into the LDS files. 


Step by step procedure to append an additional LDS file:


1. Check the number of LDS Datasets currently in use by issuing the following command:


Make note of the Append LDS count in the resulting display.

2. Bring down the CA Dispatch task cleanly by issuing the 99STOPCADS command.

3. Stop the CADDSPLx environment by issuing the following command:

F SPLx,CLOSE IMM   And confirm that you receive a "$HASP395 CADZSPLx ENDED - RC=0000" message by reviewing the task logs.

4. At this point, after a clean shutdown of the CADZSPLx task, it is "highly recommended" that you run your regular BACKUP of the entire CADDSPLx environment. This backup should include the ROOT LDS as well as any already APPENDED LDS files. (Broadcom does not supply LDS backup JCL. Pack backup utilities such as FDR and DFDSS can be used to accomplish this).

5. Customize and execute CADSJCL member DDEXLDSA to allocate and initialize the new Appended LDS file. Review the JCL and make the following changes where necessary:

-  Define the new LDS name in the DEFINE CLUSTER statement and specify the appropriate VOLUME and SPACE allocations. (size limit is 2G per LDS).

-  Verify that the STEPLIB and ROOT DD statements are set correctly.

-  Define the new LDS name on the APPEND statement that immediately follows the ROOT DD statement.

-  Verify that the ROOT DDNAME = parameter is set to point to the name of the DD statement in the JCL that references the Root LDS name.

-  Verify that the APD DDNAME = parameter is set to point to the name of the DD statement in the JCL that references the new LDS name to be appended. And, for the purposes of appending a new LDS, that the INIT control value is specified.

6. Review the output from the DDEXLDSA job. Make sure the job received RC=00. 

When successful, you will receive the following messages:

CADD603I UTIL Input complete - processing request

CADD608I UTIL SplHdr0 rewritten on ROOT

CADD609I UTIL CADDUTIL utility complete (rc=0000)

7. Restart the CADDSPLx environment by issuing the following command:


8. Re-check the number of LDS Datasets currently in use by issuing the following command:


Make note of the Append LDS count in the resulting display. It should have been incremented by 1 and you should now see an additional ACTIVE LDS file.

9. Restart the CA Dispatch started task.



- The maximum size of any 1 LDS file is 2gig (Which is about 2900 cyls on a 3390).

- The maximum number of LDS that a customer can have is about 75 LDS files.

Additional Information

The above procedure can also be found in the CA Dispatch 11.7 Systems Programmer Guide, chapter 7, in the section entitled "Add an Appended LDS" starting on or around page 195.