Oracle Transparent Application Continuity (TAC) Compliance for TDM/FDM connection profiles
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Oracle Transparent Application Continuity (TAC) Compliance for TDM/FDM connection profiles


Article ID: 384523


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Our organization wants to implement Oracle Transparent Application Continuity (TAC) for all Oracle database connections. This might require additional attributes like CONNECT_TIMEOUT, TRANSPORT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, RETRY_COUNT etc., in the JDBC connection URL. Looking for information on how we can configure FDM Oracle connections to be TAC enabled. Oracle databases Window or Linux


FDM/TDM 4.10 and greater


Connecting to Oracle TAC should work as any other Oracle database or data model, as far as TDM or FDM are concerned. As long as the account used for the connection has the proper access to the database/data model, TDM/FDM should be able to connect.

If the connection requires additional parameters, those can be configured in the following places:

TDM Portal Connection Profile:
Add any additional connection parameters in the 'Additional Connection Properties' field. Values are separated by a semicolon.
For more information, see: Create and Manage Connection Profiles

FDM UI Connection Profile:
Add any additional connection parameter in the 'Additional Parameters' field. Values are separated by a semicolon.

Additional Information

The Oracle DBA should be able to help with any additional parameters required for the connection to the Oracle database.