Start of Robot Watcher Service crashes on Windows 2008 Standard Server
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Start of Robot Watcher Service crashes on Windows 2008 Standard Server


Article ID: 38326


Updated On: 10-12-2023


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)



Even upon reinstall of the Robot itself, robot startup crashes the server.

controller.log shows unregistered probe port entries with bad (corrupt-looking) characters such as:

Controller: port_unregister: Unregistration of ÀŠ failed

and large random gaps in the controller.log as well.

and gaps in the log.

Start of Robot from the command line showed that the controller could be started without crashing the system.

controller.exe -d3 -lstdout


It appears that the nimbus service had become corrupted post-Windows update to this server but still undetermined as to whatever was corrupted in the registry key/service during the service installation



UIM 9.02 & Later

Robot 7.8 & Later



Controller has been corrupted


Resolution ws to remove and then reregister the nimbus service manually from the command line, after cd'ing to the Nimsoft bin directory, as per below:

nimbus.exe -servicename NimbusWatcherService remove

nimbus.exe -servicename NimbusWatcherService install

It appears that the nimbus service had become corrupted post-Windows update to this server but still undetermined as to whatever was corrupted in the registry key/service during the service installation

Additional Information

This package contains the Nimsoft Robot files, and is used to upgrade a running Robot to the latest version.