Is CMEW required to have Endevor send EMAIL notifications for package approvals?
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Is CMEW required to have Endevor send EMAIL notifications for package approvals?


Article ID: 38304


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Is is required to have CMEW (Change Manager Enterprise Workbench) installed to have Endevor send EMAIL notifications for package approvals?  If no then how can we remove the URL from the email? 




Release: ALL


No, Change Manager Enterprise Workbench (CMEW) is not required to take advantage of the Endevor email notification facility.  If CMEW is not used just comment out or remove the DFTURL line. 

* FIRST INVOCATION - DEFINE "GLOBAL" VALUES                             
         $ESMTP HOSTNAME=hostname,                                     X
   ,                              X
             DFTID=USERID           use userid@dtfdomain              

If CMEW is installed, the DFTURL will be included as part of the email and will allow an approver to click on it and go directly to CMEW and approved the package.