Installing the latest critical patches for Java on the machines where CA Process Automation Orchestrator, or agent is installed.
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Installing the latest critical patches for Java on the machines where CA Process Automation Orchestrator, or agent is installed.


Article ID: 38299


Updated On:


CA Process Automation Base


Critical Patch Updates are collections of security fixes for a version of Java published by vendor to address the vulnerability it addresses.



Release: ITPASA99000-4.3-Process Automation-Add On License for-CA Server Automation


Yes, critical patches can be applied post which you need to ensure that the application is pointed to the updated version. CA Process Automation is certified with any major release of Java like JDK 6, JDK 7, or JDK 8.

Upgrading the minor version of a specific version or applying a critical patch normally does not cause any issue. However, we recommend taking a snapshot of the system before applying the critical patch.

If you notice any issue, please contact support with details of the critical patches applied and the problem noticed and we will have them addressed.

Additional Information

To ensure that the application is using the updated version of JDK critical patch, follow instruction below:

1) Stop ‘CA Process Automation Orchestrator Service’ 

2) Edit  the file “c2osvcw.conf” located under {PAM}/server/c2o/bin/ using a text editor  and ensure that it points to right java path on PAM1 and PAM2


* files/java/<fix_version>/bin/java

* files/java/<fix_version>/lib/tools.jar

3) Start CA Process Automation Orchestrator Service