Customer wants to configure CA SystemEDGE to monitor and evaluate amount of files on a specific path
To monitor amount of files under a specific directory requires two watchers be added:
· a LogFile watcher entry to initialize folder monitoring
· a self monitor watcher to evaluate the amount of files under the path
SystemEDGE Agent Version 5.8 / 5.9
1) Stop CA SystemEdge Agent
2) Locate and edit to configure required watchers, is in the CA SystemEDGE data_directory,
The default path in Unix is /opt/CA/SystemEDGE/config/port1691/
The default path in windows is C:\Users\Public\CA\SystemEDGE\port1691\
3) Add your LogFile watcher to the as this way:
watch logfile <logFile_index> <flags> '<file>' '<regexpr>' ['<descr>' ['<action>' [<interval> [<severity>]]]]
watch logfile 6000 0x1800 'C:\MyPath' '' C:\MyPath' '' 1 warning
Note: It is important to register the <logFile_index> as it will be used on Self Monitor Watcher, in this case is 6000
4) Add self monitor watcher to the as this way:
monitor oid <oid> <index> <flags> <interval> <stype>[/<scale>] <oper> <thresh> ['<descr>' ['<action>' [<supIndex>]]]
Note 1: <oid> will be "logMonitorLogFileCount.<logFile_index>" where <logFile_index> is the value filled on step 2.
Note 2: <index> should be different as the one set on <logFile_index>
Example: (Next example will evaluate if amount of files is greater than 5 )
monitor oid logMonitorLogFileCount.6000 6001 0x8 30 absolute >= 5 'FileCount is more than 5' '' 0
3) Restart the CA SystemEDGE Agent
On windows you can restart the agent in the services.msc
On Unix you can go to run the following command:
/opt/CA/SystemEDGE/bin/sysedgectl restart
Additional Information:
KB000029809 CA SystemEDGE Monitoring Windows Performance Counters
KB000035359 Can CA-SystemEDGE monitor Custom Windows event logs?