Generating an XCOM for z/OS DSECT layout using ASMA90
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Generating an XCOM for z/OS DSECT layout using ASMA90


Article ID: 38271


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XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport


How can we get a more readable record layout of the XCOM DSECT's?


XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS


You can assemble the XCOM for z/OS DSECT using ASMA90. The output is generated in SYSADATA and is in a readable format. That output is also used as input for the CCNEDSCT utility, which will generate C header definitions. Here is sample JCL to accomplish that:

//XCDSECT JOB (ACCOUNTING), ’ASSEMBLE DSECT’,                       
//         CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1)        
//ASMDSECT      EXEC PGM= ASMA90,                                        
//SYSLIB           DD          DISP=SHR,DSN=xcomhlq.CBXGMAC     
//                 DD          DISP=SHR,DSN=ccshlq.CCS.D140929.MACLIB                 
//                 DD          DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.MACLIB                            
//                 DD         DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.AMODGEN                           
//                 DD          DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.MODGEN                            
//SYSUT1           DD          UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(1700,(6000,100))               
//SYSUT2           DD          UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(1700,(6000,100))               
//SYSUT3           DD          UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(1700,(6000,100))               
//SYSPRINT         DD          SYSOUT=*                                            
//SYSIN            DD          DISP=SHR,
//                    DSN=xcomhlq.CBXGMAC(SMFDSECT)    
//SYSLIN           DD          DUMMY                                              
//SYSTERM         DD          DUMMY                                              
//SYSPUNCH      DD          DUMMY                                              
//*SYSPRINT      DD          DSN=&&ASMLST,DISP=(OLD,PASS)                      
//SYSADATA       DD          DISP=(NEW,PASS),                                    
//                                     UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(80,(2000,500)),                
//                                            DSN=&&OBJSET                                        
//DSECT2C          EXEC PGM=CCNEDSCT,COND=(4,LT,ASMDSECT),                  
//                            PARM=(DECIMAL,BITF0XL,NOEQUATE)                        
//SYSADATA        DD          DISP=(OLD,PASS),DSN=&&OBJSET                        
//EDCDSECT       DD          SYSOUT=*                                            
//SYSOUT          DD          SYSOUT=*                                            

Here is an excerpt on how the output produced will look like when you assemble a DSECT

000004    53 SMFINDIC       DS           X        SMF OPSYS INDICATOR
000005    54 SMFRECNO     DS           X       SMF RECORD NUMBER
000006    55 SMFTIME        DS           XL4      SMF TIME
00000A    56 SMFDATE       DS           PL4      SMF DATE
00000E    57 SMFSYSID       DS           CL4      SYSTEM IDENT(FROM SID PARM)
000012    58                DS           XL6      FILLER (FOR DWORD Boundary)

Here is an excerpt on how the output produced will look like  when you run CCNEDSCT:

unsigned char            smfindic;               /* SMF OPSYS INDICATOR        */ 
unsigned char            smfrecno;             /* SMF RECORD NUMBER        */
unsigned char            smftime.4.;            /* SMF TIME                              */
_dec__var(7,0)           smfdate;              /* SMF DATE                              */
unsigned char            smfsysid.4.;          /* SYSTEM IDENT(FROM SID PARM)   */
unsigned char            _filler2.6.;           /* FILLER (FOR DWORD Boundary) #116    */

Note: You can use the C header generated in your SAS or other applications that will support it.

Additional Information:

Attached is a document with the XCOM r12 for z/OS layout for our SMFDSECT. Were we used the output of the above JCL and a scientific calculator to place it in a table format. The same document also has additional IBM utilities and PROC's that can be used.


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