Use VOMA to Check Metadata Consistency
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Use VOMA to Check Metadata Consistency


Article ID: 382692


Updated On: 11-23-2024


VMware vSphere ESX 6.x VMware vSphere ESX 7.x VMware vSphere ESX 8.x


You can check metadata consistency when you experience problems with a VMFS datastore or a virtual flash resource. For example, perform a metadata check if one of the following occurs:

  • You experience storage outages.
  • After you rebuild RAID or perform a disk replacement.
  • You see metadata errors in the vmkernel.log file similar to the following:
    cpu11:268057)WARNING: HBX: 599: Volume 50fd60a3-3aae1ae2-3347-0017a4770402 ("<Datastore_name>") may be damaged on disk. Corrupt heartbeat detected at offset 3305472: [HB state 0 offset 6052837899185946624 gen 15439450 stampUS 5 $
  • You are unable to access files on a VMFS.
  • You see corruption being reported for a datastore in events tabs of vCenter Server.


  • Vsphere ESXi 6.x
  • Vsphere ESXi 7.x
  • Vsphere ESXi 8.x


  • Check metadata consistency and identify and fix incidents of metadata corruption on the VMFS datastores or a virtual flash resource or logical volumes that back the VMFS datastores.
  • Identify incidents of metadata corruption that affect file systems or underlying logical volumes.



Power off any virtual machines that are running or migrate them to a different datastore.
  • Procedure

    1. Obtain the name and partition number of the device that backs the VMFS datastore that you want to check.
      • #esxcli storage vmfs extent list
        The Device Name and Partition columns in the output identify the device. For example:
        Volume Name .....  Device Name  Partition
        1TB_VMFS6     .....   naa.xxxx              3
    2. Check for VMFS errors.
      • Provide the absolute path to the device partition that backs the VMFS datastore, and provide a partition number with the device name. For example:
        # voma -m vmfs -f check -d /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.xxxx:x
      • The output lists possible errors. For example, the following output indicates that the heartbeat address is invalid.

        Phase 2: Checking VMFS heartbeat region
         ON-DISK ERROR: Invalid HB address
        Phase 3: Checking all file descriptors.
        Phase 4: Checking pathname and connectivity.
        Phase 5: Checking resource reference counts.

        Total Errors Found:           1

Additional Information

VOMA Command Options

Command Option



The modules to run include the following:


If you do not specify the name of the module, this option is used by default.

You can check the VMFS file systems and the file systems that back virtual flash resources. If you specify this module, minimal checks are performed for LVM as well.


Check logical volumes that back the VMFS datastores.


Check and validate VMFS partitions, such as MBR or GPT. If no partition exists, determine whether partitions should exist.


Functions to be performed include the following:


List functions supported by module.


Check for errors.


Check and fix errors.


Collect metadata dump.


Include affinity-related check and fix for VMFS6.


Indicate the device or disk to inspect. Make sure to provide the absolute path to the device partition backing the VMFS datastore. If the datastore spans multiple devices, provide the UUID of the head extent.

For example, voma -m vmfs -f check -d /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.xxxx:x

If you use the -x|--extractDump command, enter multiple device paths, with a partition qualifier, separated with a comma. The number of device paths you enter equals the number of spanned devices.


Indicate the disk block size.


Specify the path to log file to output the results.


Extract the collected dump using VOMA.


Indicate the dump file to save the collected metadata dump.


Display the version of VOMA.


Display the help message for the VOMA command.


Indicate that you run VOMA without using PE tables for address resolution.

-Z| --file

Indicate that you run VOMA on extracted device files.