Upgrade to Gen 8.x and some transactions show -805 on TIRPROFD
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Upgrade to Gen 8.x and some transactions show -805 on TIRPROFD


Article ID: 38233


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Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia


Upgraded from Gen 7.5 to 8.x.
Ran JCL CEJOB15R to rebind TIRPROFD as a package and freed the prior packages. 
When running applications some receive -805 on the TIRPROFD token from package for release 7.5.


Gen 8.x delivers two versions of TIRPROFD.
The older version of TIRPROFD built by All Fusion Gen 7.x is still provided in DLLs TIRBRUNB, TIRORUNC, TIRORUNI, and TIRORUNT. Applications built with Gen release 7.6 or earlier releases of Gen will use this version of TIRPROFD until these applications are rebuilt with Gen 8.x.
The newer version of TIRPROFD is provided in DLLs TIRRTLDC, TIRRTLDI, and TIRRTLDT. Applications built with Gen 8.x will use this version of TIRPROFD.

z/OS Runtime Modules Using DB2 Database request modules (DBRM) for Gen 8.x runtime modules TIRPROFD and TIROBLCM are bound into a package using the Gen 8.x Runtime Collection ID specified during Host Encyclopedia and z/OS Implementation Toolset installation. These runtimes are provided in DLLs TIRRTLDC, TIRRTLDI, and TIRRTLDT. Each Gen 8.x application bind automatically includes this Runtime Collection ID.
Applications built by earlier releases of Gen use the TIRPROFD and TIROLBCM DBRMs as built by AllFusion Gen 7.x and included in DLLs TIRBRUNB, TIRORUNC, TIRORUNI, and TIRORUNT. When these applications are re-built by Gen 8.x they will use the 8.x packages and DLLs. The Dialog Manager is the only piece that uses TIRPROFD, so you can just install (the "I=Install" option on the Generate Business System panel) the affected load modules. This will cause these applications to be linked using the Gen 8.x runtime load modules (and hence the 8.x version of TIRPROFD). 

In summary, you will need to run the CEJOB15R for any applications you install with the Gen 8.x releases. You will need to re-run the bind jobs from Gen 7.5 to fix the -805 errors.

Additional Information

Gen™ 8.6 Encyclopedia > Host Encyclopedia > Host Encyclopedia Construction > The Runtime Profile (RPROF) Table for DB2

Gen 8.0 Release Notes:
Runtime Modules using DB2
Gen r8 captures a Runtime Collection ID to bind application plans with the runtime
packages, TIRPROFD and TIROLBCM. The runtimes for these plans/modules are in these
Applications built using earlier versions of Gen use the TIRPROFD and TIROLBCM
plans as built by AllFusion Gen r7.5 and included in DLLs TIRBRUNB, TIRORUNC,
TIRORUNI, and TIRORUNT. These applications use the Gen r8 packages and DLLs
when rebuilt using Gen r8. 