This guide is for migrating from SOI 4.2 to 4.3
SOI 4.3
SOI 4.3 Migration
Make a backup copy of the SOI 4.2 Database and restore it on SQL Server. If you are using SQL Server that is currently hosting the SOI 4.2 Database, please restore it with a new name like SAMStore2 or SAMStore43
Install SOI 4.3 Manager and UI, select use existing Database.
How to Perform a CA SOI Installation (Broadcom documentation)
Install CA Helpdesk Connector:
If your SOI 4.2 env is using the CA Helpdesk Connector for ticketing, you will need to install it on the SOI Manager.
CA Help Desk Connector (Broadcom documentation)
Escalation and Action Policies:
Escalation and Action Policies are stored in the Database, no need to move anything from the old SOI env.
Event Policies:
Event Policies are stored on the old SOI Manager in \SOI\resources\EventManagement\Policies\ folder
Copy all the files to the SOI 4.3 Manager at the same location
Service Discovery Policies:
Service Discovery Policies are stored in the SOI Database, no need to move anything from the old SOI env.
Configure existing IFW Connectors to point to new SOI 4.3 Manager:
On Existing IFW Connector server.
<AMQ name="AMQClient" uuid="">
<ConnectionInfo failover="TRUE"
<BrokerService<OLD HOSTNAME>:8020/ucf/BrokerService
<CertGenService URL=http://<OLD HOSTNAME>:7090/ucf-certgen/CertGenService
Migrating Catalyst Container base connector to IFW base connector:
This procedure will set the new IFW connector to replace the old Catalyst Container connector without losing old data like CIs and Alerts. There will be no need to remove the old Catalyst Container connector manually.
NOTE: Select not to start service during IFW and Connector installation
The below example is for the UIM Connector and use the following values as a demonstration
Connector Name:
UIM Hostname:
ConnectorService – 13
UIM Connector – 14
select * from ConnectorConfiguration where ConnectorName like '<Catalyst_Container_Hostname>_<CatalystConnector>'NOTE: If your connector server already have Catalyst Container and IFW installed before the migration, you can skip step 7 and run this SQL query
Delete from ConnectorConfiguration where ConnectorID=13
UPDATE ConnectorConfiguration SET ConnectorName = '<Connector Name>', MDRName = 'ConnectorService', ConnectorDesc='CA SOI Integration Services Version' , ConnectorStatusDesc='The CA SOI Integration Service is running' , MDRDesc='ConnectorService' , Status=4 WHERE ConnectorID = <Provide the catalyst connectorId from above query for MDRName 'ConnectorService'>;Example:
UPDATE ConnectorConfiguration SET ConnectorName = '', MDRName = 'ConnectorService', ConnectorDesc='CA SOI Integration Services Version' , ConnectorStatusDesc='The CA SOI Integration Service is running' , MDRDesc='ConnectorService' , Status=4 WHERE ConnectorID = 13;To get the exact connector name on the connector server, go to \SOI\resources\Configurations\ and locate the file SSA_IFW_<connector name>.xml and copy the connector name part.
UPDATE ConnectorConfiguration SET ConnectorName = '<Connector Name>', MDRName = 'CA:00050_<UIM_Hostname>@<Connector Name>', ConnectorDesc='UnifiedInfrastructureManagement(UIM) Connector' , ConnectorStatusDesc='Connector was stopped when the CA SOI Integration Service was manually stopped' , MDRDesc='UnifiedInfrastructureManagement(UIM) running on host UIM-Hostname' , Status=0 WHERE ConnectorID = <Connector Id from above sql where MDRName is CA:00050_<UIM-Host>@<Connector-Host>
UPDATE ConnectorConfiguration SET ConnectorName = '', MDRName = '', ConnectorDesc='UnifiedInfrastructureManagement(UIM) Connector' , ConnectorStatusDesc='Connector was stopped when the CA SOI Integration Service was manually stopped' , MDRDesc='Unified Infrastructure Management(UIM) running on UIM-Hostname' , Status=0 WHERE ConnectorID = 14;
Remove old SOI internal connectors like Service Discovery, Event Management MidTier, Universal Connector references in the Connector Configuration Administrator page.
Select * from connectorconfiguration where ConnectorName like ‘<OLD SOI Manager hostname>’
Delete from connectorconfiguration where connectorname like '<OLD SOI Manager hostname>'