How-To: Define a WebServices trigger job in CA Workload Automation DE. The below content assumes that all pre-requisite work has been completed to allow for the Web Services agent to function properly.
Customers may wish to define a web services job that will trigger another job within dSeries.
Release: DSWAHA01300-12-Workload Automation DE-High Availability
This is applicable on both Windows & UNIX/Linux based systems.
Define a Web Service job using the Web Service Document/Literal job type by dragging it from the palette to the active workspace.
There are a few required fields that the system is expecting. Within the CAWA DE Desktop Client:
On the Basic Panel:
WSDL URL: | http://<appserver_name>:8080/axis2/services/EspDSeriesService?wsdl |
Service Name: | EspDSeriesService |
Port Name: | EspDSeriesServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint |
Operation: | triggerAddEvent |
End point URL: | http://<appserver_name>:8080/axis2/services/EspDSeriesService.EspDSeriesServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint/ |
User: | <User account that will run the job> |
On the Operation Parameters Panel:
The following parameters and values are required
/triggerAddEvent | <null> |
/triggerAddEvent/when | <time value> |
/trigger/AddEvent/userParms | <User Account that will run the job> |
One can get a good idea of what the expected parameters and values for using CAWA DE Web Services to control events/applications/jobs are by using a product called SoapUI. The product is freely available on the web, but is not supported in any way by CA Technologies.