Is there a way to retrieve, modify and change an entry in the Solve:Access ACDB MAI file?
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Is there a way to retrieve, modify and change an entry in the Solve:Access ACDB MAI file?


Article ID: 38156


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SOLVE:Operations Automation SOLVE:Access Session Management SOLVE:FTS SOLVE


Is there a way to retrieve, modify and change an entry in the Solve:Access ACDB MAI file?




Release: SLACCS00200-5-SOLVE:Access-Session Management


Yes, the MSDM (MAI Session Definition Maintenance) online facility provides the capability of displaying and changing session list data in the ACDB file. To access the MSDM facility, enter shortcut /MSDM at any user prompt from within the region.

Usage of the MSDM facility is described in Chapter 8 of the Solve:Access Session Management Administration Guide.

There is also an API that allows access to the file via a NCL procedure - MAI Session List interface, $MASD00F. The MAI Session List interface is provided to retrieve, modify and store MAI session lists and their entries. It provides a logical interface that hides the physical file format. By using this interface your code is protected from file changes that future versions of SOLVE:Access may require.


CA Solve:Access Session Management Administration Guide – Appendix F : MAI Session List Interface contains the full list of $MASD00F API calls with examples.