When moving a generic element to a new row in a Custom Form causes it to disappear and an empty section appears
Article ID: 381141
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VMware Aria Suite
Adding a new field to the right side of a custom form under Service Broker> Content & Policies>Custom Form: Once the new field has been added, when you drag it over to the left row, this causes the field to disappear and turn into an empty field.
Aria Automation 8.18.1
This has been identified by engineering as a bug in the code with version 8.18.1
Root cause: trying to find section with id = "", as a result undefined ref exception.
When we try to drag field there is a component with class "sectionDraggable" and without id, this cause the problem
Currently there are 2 workarounds that can be applied to resolve this issue, as the permanent fix will either be a hot fix or included in a later release of code.
Workaround 1: Drag one generic field to create a new section at the desired place, after that drag your field in the new section and delete the generic field that you add at the beginning
Workaround 2: Export the form, change the layout at the desired state and import the changed form