CentOS 9 Stream and RHEL 9.3 Guest Customization fails
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CentOS 9 Stream and RHEL 9.3 Guest Customization fails


Article ID: 381124


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VMware vCenter Server


Automation workflows on CentOS 9 Stream and RHEL 9.3 have started to fail after upgrading vCenter to 8.0U3B


VMware introduced the support of RHEL NetworkManager keyfile format in vCenter 8.0u3 (https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/8.0/rn/vsphere-vcenter-server-803-release-notes/index.html).


When using guest customization on CentOS 9 Stream and RHEL 9.3 after upgrading to vCenter 8.0U3B /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/VMware-customization-eth0.nmconnection is being populated with an ipv6 DNS server in the ipv4 field and when the VM tries to come online the rest of their automation failed because of broken dns configuration.


 address1=x.x.x.x /24

 gateway= xxx:xxx:xxxx:xx::x

The line  dns=xxx:xxx:xxxx::xx should be under ipv6


1. VMware by Broadcom engineering/support is aware of the issue 

The Perl customization automation needs to be updated in /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/imgcust/linux/imgcust-scripts/ to hanble both ipv4 and ipv6

2. if this is urgent, please open a support ticket and request a internal workaround

The fix will be incorporated in upcoming version of patches 8.0.3 P05