When attempting to synchronize licenses utilizing the vSphere Client UI, in the past, customers would export the licenses to a csv file they wish to import from the Customer Connect portal. Then, they would use that .csv file to import their licenses for use in the vSphere Client UI.
Attempting to follow that procedure utilizing the Export to CSV function in the new Broadcom Support Portal, customers will see a failure message: "The uploaded CSV file is not supported."
vSphere vCenter Server 6.x
vSphere vCenter Server 7.x
vSphere vCenter Server 8.x
The licenses file exported from the Broadcom Support Portal is not the same format and contains different information than the file exported from the Customer Connect portal. When uploading the licenses file exported from the Broadcom Support Portal, the system finds the format and information incorrect and fails the import.
With the transition to the Broadcom Support Portal, this feature is no longer supported. License keys and their management continue to evolve with new versions of the product, and new guidance will be made available.
Manually add the license keys to vCenter Server.